I know you have been anxiously waiting for my very first post on my blog. I sincerely apologize to have kept you waiting…I hope it was worth the wait. There are a lot of bloggers out here blogging about a whole lot of things. I have friends who blog about food, some natural hair, others writing, others have vlogs about travelling and dance. I thought about why not blog about real life, my life as it happens, my experiences, joy, pain, disappointment, fears, hopes, laughter, excitement, GOD , trending topics…. LOVE . So, I know you probably have debated this with your friends or saw it trending on Social media this past week. You know what? This is not the first time I have seen such a reaction from People in this country pertaining to a matter of public interest. I am not saying that it is wrong to criticize where necessary but criticism must be constructive. The issue of Daliso Sails , who I believe has become more popular than he was before his infamous interview. So appar...
Its all about real life experience that will encourage ,inspire and push you to not give up on anything.I will share my life as it is,joys,pains,troubles,lessons experience that you can relate to,sometimes my thoughts on something trending...OR surprise you,so just read on love,read on I embrace life as it is so should you...